Do Not Be Afraid...
This is what it must feel like to have a heart attack... Chest pounding, sweat dripping and eyes wide open. I know this room, I hear the birds signing their song outside, I am not having a heart attack. It was just a bad dream. I can't get the image of me squeezing the life out of my child in a crowded airport by the conveyor belt. See, just a few minutes ago, we had arrived at this foreign place and we were tired and couldn't wait to get our luggage and move on to the next leg of journey. The exhaustion didn't keep his curiosity at bay, to some extent, I worried that he suffered from FoMo, ( Fear of Missing Out ) and his little eyes were darting from up to down left to right, up and down. His little mouth could barely stay closed. I must have taken my eyes off him for a split second to grab a bag and when I turned back he was gone! Truth is, when I found out I was going to be a mother, I was afraid I would not make a good one, and the day I went into labor, I was afr...