Choosing a path means having to miss out on other things. I have my whole life a head of me and am mostly wondering if in the future I will come to regret the choices I have make now. I was not afraid of committing myself before, now I think I have this strange phobia to anything that could mean serious. I want to follow all possible paths and I worry that I might end up following none. After all the romantic disappointments, can I give of myself entirely? I fear pain, loss and rejection. These things will be inevitable on the path of love, and the only way of avoiding them is by deciding NEVER to take that path at all. In order not to suffer, I have to denounce love. Its like pulling out my own eyes not to see the bad things in life..
13 th July 2012. A LETTER TO MY TEENAGE SELF... Dear Teenage Risa, You are a beauty and a gem, then and now….so stop tearing yourself apart trying to be everything all at once. You are messing your uniqueness and losing yourself, you are destroying YOU . Among the finest of God’s creation… SMILE , this will not only light up your day, but also the day of others. Don’t try to be someone else. Keep walking around feeling like Cleopatra, that kind of CONFIDENCE will open doors you never even knew existed. DON’T struggle with PRIDE, this has been the downfall of many great men and women before and during my time…Don’t get too hung on your MISTAKES , you are yet to make your worst, but make sure you LEARN from them and grow yourself. Learn everything and anything. Every day is a learning experience. Remember, the day you STOP LEARNING will be the day you start dying. Take your lessons seriously. RESPECT other people; respect their time and their space. List...
Get busy living or get busy dying...